...mieszkają małe SMuteczki...
piątek, 16 listopada 2018
wyglada na to ze moj przeszczep HSTC przyniosl w koncu jakis efekt
lekarz kazal mi czekac 3 lata
za miesiac mijaja 3 lata
i ja sie calkiem niezle czuje (jak na osobe z SM oczywiscie)
mam sile niemal na caly dzien (oczywiscie z odpoczynkami), mam sile cos robic nawet po poludniu, co juz od dawna bylo wykluczone
mam sile chodzic (krotkie dystanse)
mam sile cwiczyc
wtorek, 11 września 2018
Infinity war
Mam obsesję na punkcie Infinity war.
Oglądam 5 raz
Smutny, piękny, wzruszający, długi, więc można oglądać i oglądać, piękne wejścia moich ukochanych bohaterów Thora i Steva Rogersa 😍. Nie mogę odzalowac tylko paru minut zaledwie obecności na ekranie no i życia mojego ulubieńca Lokiego 😭
środa, 5 września 2018
wtorek, 4 września 2018
Wreszcie doczekalam
Jak wszystko dobrze pójdzie to jutro dostanę Avengers Infinity War!!!
Wiem, że to będzie okropna trauma, Thanos zabije Lokiego w pierwszych minutach, potem zginą prawie wszyscy, Bucky, Guardians, dobrze że nie Steve ani Thor JESZCZE... Zamówiłam zapas czekolady z Tesco, jakoś przeżyję....
sobota, 1 września 2018
Winter Soldier
I can relate to Steve Rogers
I would too start civil war to protect Bucky Barnes
Zamówiłam sobie taką koszulkę :)))
Captain America Civil War to 3 czesc
Jeszcze Bucky
Jeszcze bardzo lubię Bucky'ego Barnes'a granego przez uroczego Sebastiana Stana i Kapitana Amerykę - Steve'a Rogers'a - bardzo fajny Chris Evans. Bardzo opierałam się przed zobaczeniem Kapitana Ameryki, wydawało mi się to obciachowe i lamerskie, a okazało się dużym błędem, First Avenger i Winter Soldier należą do moich ulubionych filmów, obok pierwszego Thora który ma posmak szekspirowski dzięki Brannaghowi. Ale moim ulubionym filmem jest Avengers Assemble, pierwsi Avengers, film który ma fabułę, dużo Lokiego ;) Późniejsze filmy to zwykle halasliwe krzykliwe kolorowe dość bezmyślne "dzieła". Wyjątek robię dla sporej części Thora Ragnaroku. A teraz niecierpliwie czekam na Avengers Infinity Wars, ma być rozsylane od czwartku, jeszcze 5 dni, już kupiłam, wiem że prawie wszyscy zginą, Loki w pierwszych minutach. Ale zginął już ze 3 razy w poprzednich filmach, a jest God of Mischief, trickster, może znów coś wymyśla? Ale to dopiero za rok się okaże...
W międzyczasie stres wpłynął nieco na pogorszenie, nie miałam głowy do ćwiczeń, kotka mi się pochorowala, zostałam fanka Marvela (Lokiego ;)), staram się zminimalizować ilość staffu w moim mieszkanko żeby się przejasnilo, co biorąc pod uwagę że dysponuje jakimiś 2 h dziennie a nie jak normalny człowiek 10 h, nie jest łatwe.
A na netfliksie pojawił się wreszcie 7 sezon Once upon a Time, ale jest kompletnie inny od poprzednich sześciu i jakoś nie mam do niego serca.
Loki 😍
1 września czas na nowy update
Od 2 tygodni oddycham z ulga
Oddalysmy z siostrą mamę do osrodka
Tu niedaleko
Rzecz w tym, że za bardzo jeszcze jest świadoma, tęskni, chce wracać, a i ośrodek jest za drogi, na razie cena promocyjna, od jesieni już drogi, opieka tam też średnio wygląd jak się okazało, w tych samych ciuchach chodzi cały tydzień, a więc bielizny też nie zmienia, dom zamknięty, co z tego że otoczony lasem jak nie ogrodzony więc nie mogą wychodzić. Sama w pokoju, brak towarzystwa. Chyba ja weźmiemy z powrotem i na weekendy będziemy oddawać. Tydzień przed oddaniem jej taka akcje mieliśmy że poszła na spacer blisko domu, a skończyło się na wyzwaniu policji z psem tropiacym. Znalazła się prawie 10 km od domu. Potem dzielnicowy mnie odwiedził.
piątek, 29 czerwca 2018
News cd
Podałam ZUS do sadu
Moja chora na Alzheimera matka doprowadza mnie do ku rwicy, rzecz w tym że jak ja oddam do jakiegoś ośrodka to już nie będę miała po co żyć.
Bo ani dla kogo ani po co.
Aaa nie jeszcze koty sa
Nie muszę jeszcze popełniać samobójstwa.
Znalazłam se nowa miłość (druga, bo Colina nadal kocham niezmiennie) Paula Rudd. Grał Mika, męża Phoebe we Friendsach, wtedy myślałam że jest uroczy, ale ostatnio widziałam go gdzieś w roli Bad boya i przepadlam. Mam ewidentna słabość do bad boy'ow, i przez całe życie myślałam że lubię ciemne oczy a tu surprise, Colin ma vivid Blue, a Paul vivid green. Zdaje się że te uczucia do nich chociaż trochę koja moje puste serce, może trochę bólu zadaja, ale może to zupełnie naturalne.
Od kilku dni mam strasznego dola
Na początku czerwca mieliśmy firmowy wyjazd do Czarnego Gronia koło Andrychów. Bardzo fajnie, z klasą, cieszę się że pojechałam, nawet na imprezie byłam, pokiwalam się trochę na parkiecie blisko ściany. Wróciliśmy w piątek. W niedzielę gdzieś nastąpiło pogorszenie. Nagle zauważyłam że ledwo kawę jestem w stanie donieść z kuchni do pokoju. W czwartek miałam wizytę lek. Zaordynowal MRI. I dał nowy lek. Na ew odrzucenie przeszczepu jak później doczytalam. Rachunek w aptece wzrósł o kolejną stówe... Jestem już po rezonans ie. Mam wynik. Nie ma ognisk aktywnych. Są liczne zmiany, coś tam się powiększyło.
Nie wiem co sądzić, muszę z lekarzem pogadać.
Jak ja bym kurwa chciała mieć kogoś kto jakoś mnie podtrzyma na duchu.
Nie wiem jak długo jeszcze sama wyrobię.
piątek, 25 maja 2018
Killian Jones: An unlikely hero I can’t help but love
When the word hero comes to mind, a pirate is not something that might pop into your head. However, if you’re a fan of Once Upon a Time, then it’s not weird to categorize a pirate as a hero. In fact, Captain Killian Jones, commonly known by his more “colorful moniker” of Hook, is an unlikely hero that I can’t help but love. Trust me, I fly my Hook fangirl flag pretty high. I’m sure my friends have given me side-eye when they’ve seen my phone screen saver…So what makes Hook a hero we can all learn from? I’m glad you asked!
His fight to redeem himself
Hands down, Hook’s redemption arc has been one of my favorites on any show I have ever watched. In season 2, he was a pretty heinous man, scarred by his past misfortunes. A lot of bad stuff went down that made him scorn, and his only happiness would come from revenge. He was ruthless and did whatever it took to attempt to kill Gold. He was willing to hurt innocents in order to accomplish his vengeance. In other words, Hook was totally a jack ass, but I still loved him because deep down I knew he was a redeemable character. And I was right! We have seen his growth throughout the seasons, and boy has he changed a lot. Gone is his thirst for revenge. Instead, he wants to be a better man, not just for Emma but himself as well. He’s fought alongside the heroes, redeeming himself and making up for his past sins. He helped saved Henry in Neverland; he went to New York City to save Emma; and he sacrificed himself for all of Storybrooke when he was the Dark One. Hook has struggled with darkness, but continues to overcome it.
He owns up to all the bad he’s done
Let’s face it: nobody on this show is perfect. Hook is far from it. He knows that he was an awful man in his past. One scene that really sticks out to me is from 6A. As he helps Belle move onto the Jolly Roger, he apologizes to her for nearly killing her a few times. He tells her he has a lot of forgiving of himself left to do for how he treated her. Instead of brushing it off, he owned it. Hook doesn’t try to make himself out to be this dashing hero. His past comes back to haunt him, and he truly realizes the mistakes that he made.
He treats Emma like a princess (pun intended)
When I first started watching the show, I nearly spit out my coffee when I saw Captain Hook. Then my jaw dropped when I saw how romantic he was and still is. If anything, we know Hook loves Emma more than anything in his life. We saw this a lot in 6A when he kept the shears because he couldn’t fathom the thought of living without her. He treats her well, and as Jennifer Morisson said, their relationship is an example of a healthy relationship. He fights for her and always puts her before anything else. She’s his world, and he treats her so. Not to mention the fact that he has always believed in her even when those closest to her did not. (Never using her Dark One dagger!) He continually supports her and loves her. In fact, he gave up his revenge for love. Swoon. Someone find me a Killian Jones, please and thank you.
He doesn’t even know the good within him
Hook still struggles with seeing the good within him. Sometimes he simply cannot wrap his head around himself being a hero. Emma tells him that he’s changed and is a hero in her book. I think his humbleness showcases him as an unlikely hero. Psssttt….Hook, you’re a hero in my book too!
He always has his mates backs
It must be pirate code, but Hook always has his friends backs. Even in Neverland when David was being all angsty towards him, he still helped David from dying. Not to mention the fact he backed off from Emma after Neal came back so he could give Neal a shot at having a family. (A lot of ‘ughs’ from me) I could go on with Hook always being there for his friends, but that would be a lot of writing. And I may or may not have to get ready for classes… Suffice to say, he never just looks out for himself. In the beginning of his story, yeah, he only looked out for himself, but not anymore. Now he takes into consideration those around him.
When I rewatched season 2 in the beginning of this year, it was like watching two different characters in the same body. Hook has developed as a character so much that you barely remember he was a villain. Well, until you get his villainous flashbacks. Despite that, Hook is the unlikely hero that we can’t help but root for. Also, he’s sassy, attractive and brooding. Who doesn’t like that in their hero?!
poniedziałek, 21 maja 2018
Ranking of Hook’s personas on ‘Once Upon a Time’ 1 0 more
1. Dark Hook
How hot was Dark Hook though? I’m completely biased in this decision to make Dark Hook my most favorite type of Hook, but hero Hook was a close first too. I swear he was.
I always loved Hook as a villain, and with Dark Hook, we saw him completely evil. And it was so entertaining to watch. I think my main reason, besides him being super hot as the Dark One, was that he was sassy, which made it fun to watch. He didn’t take anyone’s crap, and even as the Dark One, he still somehow was himself. In all his sassy manner.
2. Hero Hook and the one who loves Emma
His character managed to do a 360, and his heart softened with the help of Emma. He threw his revenge out the window and made a vow to become a better man. He knew he was capable of change, and he never gave up the fight to become a hero. A better man for his true love. That’s what makes this version so admirable: his fight and drive to want to join the band of heroes.
3. Pirate Hook
Pirate Hook had so much edge, and I absolutely loved it. I tend to sympathize with broken characters, and this version of Hook was most certainly broken. There was good in him, but he had buried it down so deep. However, we knew Pirate Hook was capable of change.
Although, being a pirate wasn’t a bad thing for Hook. Ultimately, this is what brought him to being a hero. It was all about the journey to get there. Also, Pirate Hook had a superb sense of authority, adventure, and passion. It also gives him his snark that we still see within hero Hook.
4. Deckhand Hook
Awww Deckhand Hook was awkwardly adorable. I just loved how shy and smitten he was when he met Emma in this alternate universe. He was still drawn to her then, so that was pretty cool. Your OTP could never.
We saw a more innocent version of the Hook we all came to know. It was a nice change. This version of Hook also made a vow against rum, which was quite the drastic change from his true self. Nonetheless, Deckhand Hook was still a man who would fight for Emma. In any world, in any form, Killian Jones is always brave.
5. Lieutenant Hook
We didn’t get to see much of Lieutenant Hook, but what we did see was awesome. Hook was a completely different man back in the day. While he’s always been a man of honor and code, we got to see where he got that. Via the Royal Army.
This Hook was so pure, no darkness to be found. He was just a normal dude serving alongside his older brother. If only he knew the trouble he would get himself into later in his life. Look at his carefree self in that gif. So ready for adventure.
6. Old, fat Hook
Old, fat Hook was a sight to see, that was for sure. However, he was still the cocky man he’s always been. It was hilarious to see such a change in Hook. He sure let himself go a bit. I know Emma blames the rum, but maybe he was eating too many pancakes. Could’t resist; don’t mind my lame attempt at wit.
While I thought this version of Hook was funny, it certainly deserves the last ranking. I like my guy liner, leather wearing, dark and handsome Hook the best. Hopefully he ages better than this!
Actually, I think I love better Pirate Hook than Hero one, you can see Colin is really feeling the vibes and enjoying playing both, Dark One and Pirate, and he does it with great charm. He likes Old Fat Hook too, but he's not as hot as Pirate and Dark :) And Deckhand Hook is just adorable :)
piątek, 18 maja 2018
Damn you, you adorable Irish bastard.
34 Times Colin O'Donoghue Ruined Your Life
1. That time he did the ice bucket challenge and our lives were never the same again.
2. That time he smiled as he sang because he knew exactly what he was doing.
3. When he spoke the holiest words in all the land.
4. When he smiled and was both sexy and cute at the exact same time.
5. When this bashful smirk made your heart soar.
6. When he made eating dinner alone look sexy.
7. When he ran his hands through his hair in pensive angst.
8. When he proved he has the world's most amazing profile.
9. When he wielded an axe and it was everything you never knew you needed.
10. When his smile ignited your soul.
11. When he looked so devilishly attractive it rocked you to your core.
12. When his jawline was so sharp it sliced right through your heart.
13. And when his eyes were so blue you thought you were lost at sea.
14. When his ginger facial hair revealed his beautiful Irishness.
15. That time he proved that life is a photo shoot whenever he's around.
16. And reaffirmed it again...
17. And again...
18. And again...
19. That time he shipped Captain Swan so hard he killed fangirls everywhere.
20. Whenever he uses that adorable goofy grin.
21. Like this one
22. And this one.
23. When he did that thing with the eyebrows.
24. That time he lost control of his ship, and we lost control of our lives.
25. When he absentmindedly licked his lips.
And then he smiled like he knew he just broke the hearts of women and men everywhere.
26. When he bit his lip and did the thing.
27. That one time he played a priest and confused Catholic girls everywhere.
28. When he took his shirt off and angels sang.
29. That time he was in a bathtub, and all of our lives were subsequently ruined.
30. When he broke out the smolder.
31. When he was an actual puppy dog.
32. When he showed everyone just how great of a kisser he is.
33. And finally, when he appeared as Captain Hook for the first time and launched a legion of fangirls around the world.
34. Happy 34th birthday Colin. Our lives wouldn't be the same without you!
zaczne od TFU TFU TFU ODPUKAC wyglada na to ze moj przeszczep HSTC przyniosl w koncu jakis efekt lekarz kazal mi czekac 3 lata za miesi...
Tak bym chciała coś dodającego otuchy. Moja koleżanka która miała przeszczep wtedy kiedy ja usłyszała ostatnio od neurologa "jest Pani ...
Przeciagnelam na maksa. Pół roku L4. Jutro pierwszy dzień pracy. Tzn jak mi lekarz medycyny pracy pozwoli. A jak nie, to nie wiem co zrobię....